I spent a couple of hours last night trying to make Ghana-style fufu. You don't want the gory details. Suffice it to say that, with a great deal of trial and error, I produced a semblance of fufu that we managed to eat with our chicken light soup with okra. It was kind of a cross between that paste you use to stick wallpaper on the wall and fufu. Next time I need to drastically reduce the amount of starch, increase the amount of water, and figure out how to keep it from clumping up. Help! Have any West Africans lived in Brazil who can tell me what to do? We still have 2 more months here.
On a more hopeful note, I'm going to use some of the polvilho, along with a special cheese from Minas Gerais, to practice making a delightful type of puffy Brazilian cheese ball known as pão de queijo (bread of cheese), but that's another story.
We had fairly good success with making fu fu. It does help to be able to pound it and we fasioned one out of a rubber mallet and a floor broom handle. Remove the rubber head and drill a hole just large enough for the threads of the broom handle to screw into. It worked well.
So I saw someone make fufu this way at a Ghanaian party that I went to. 1) Get the same quantities of plantain and cassava that you would have used to pound fufu.
2) Blend the peeled cassava and pour into a cooking pot.
3) Blend the peeled green plantain and pour into the cooking.
4) Heat and stir like you're cooking banku..stir continually but using high heat initially but decrease the heat. Fufu does not use as much heat as banku.
5) You can also look around for powdered fufu. There are some in African stores.
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