Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Best Wishes for 2012

Dear friends and colleagues:  It has been a busy couple of months and I have not found a way to share it with you on this blog as I would have liked to. Unfortunately, the next 2 months will be just as hectic. I am now sitting at the airport in Washington DC en route to Ghana for a week, then on to Abuja to teach 2 intensive  courses through most of February. 

When I return, rest assured I'll be posting again (such as the recipe for these coconut-gari cookies [biscuits] that I served to a class at PSU in early December.)  The picture above includes a picture of the cookies in a snack sons Sam and Ernest enjoyed while visiting over the holidays. Note the ofam (plantain loaf) in the foreground (very popular with the Penn State students). 

We also had a great time in December at The Textile Museum (see below) discussing (and sampling) Central African food and culture. The palm wine was a big hit.


Wishing you all a  happy, healthy, prosperous 2012. May it be filled with good (African) food, good friends, and good memories.

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