Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Betumiblog Award and update

 I received a pleasant note today that Betumiblog has been selected by a business school as among the "Top 100 Sites for International Business People," (at #23 overall, and 3rd in the Africa list). See the nifty badge they sent me. That spurred me to take a few minutes to stop work and jot off this posting.

It looks like Betumiblog has (in other words, I have) been slacking off. Not so! The problem is that I don't have time right now to write up everything I have on my current list (including new African culinary products via Bim's Kitchen,  another donation to the Africa cookbook collection, and discussion of the linguistic confusion and controversy over alligator/melegueta/malagueta peppers).

Actually, the reason I'm not writing on my blog is a good one: two publishers have expressed interest in the Ghanaian regional cookbook. At last, Africa's time is at hand (for additional support of this statement, see the October video and edition of the World Bank's African Pulse). I am working hard to prepare a convincing proposal to send out. But, as I  recently observed "to do one thing well requires doing many things." The postings will have to wait a few more weeks as I focus on the prospectus. Please keep your fingers crossed. Many of you keep asking when the book will be published. Just remember: "little by little, the chicken drinks water."  I believe it will happen within the next year and a half.


  1. Thank you, Erin.

  2. Congrats! You deserve it!

  3. Thank you, too. Anything that gets the word out about African cuisines is fine with me.

  4. Many congratulations Fran - continue being an inspiration!

  5. Hi Fran,

    I'd like to contact you. We'd like to invite you to our festival or consult with you. How do I get in touch with you? I live in Madison WI. I'm from Ghana and my husband and I started the African Festival here in Madison. We want to do have an African food theme. I've followed your blog and I'm truly a fan. Thank.s

  6. Hello, Dzigbodi.
    Are you originally from the Volta Region? Thank you for the kind words. Email me at fran@betumi.com and tell me more.
