November 30, 2022 Never Give Up!
Kwadwo is back in Ghana until January, while I'm still in Pennsylvania. I continue to work on the adinkra biscuits. With Kwanza just around the corner, I wanted to update everyone on where they stand. Once I determined I had to start over printing the stamps with a transparent PLA filament, and stainless steel nozzle, and cover each cookie stamp with a food-safe coating, I had to go back to the printer, so-to-speak. Unfortunately, New Leaf Initiative didn't make it, so I am now working with a local group called The Rivet.
I am beginning production again.
I also need to restock materials for the Ghana-friendly, vegan recipe for making the cookie/biscuits.
I did manage one taste testing, with generally quite positive results--some thought too sweet, some not sweet enough. Go figure.
It is slow going, but I'm ready to restock the gluten-free ingredients and start making batches. If you'd like to taste test (for now, only in the US, please), drop me a line at I also hope to develop several other adinkra cutters.
So long for now.