The 2 latest additions to
The Africa Cookbook Project include Devra Moehler's contribution of
Taste of Uganda: Recipes for traditional dishes by Jolly Gonahasa (Fountain Publishers, 2002, Kampala) and Angeline Espagne-Ravo's
Ma Cuisine malgache: Karibo Sakafo (Édisud, France, 1997) donated by TEDFELLOW
Andriankoto Ratozamanana. Thank you to both of you. Please keep the books coming. Andirankoto marked several of the recipes in
Ma Cuisine malgache: "
Pâte à Sambossa," "
Achards de Mangues," and the section on "
Le Romazava (pot au fe) - (bouillon clair)" with the note "ramazava are our
BEST." Espagne-Rovo confirms that "Le romazava est le plat national des Malgaches." There are some delicious-looking recipes there to try out. By the way, please follow Andriankoto's lead, and sign the book with your name (and anything else you'd like to say) and the date you donated it so we can give credit to the contributor. Or, if anyone would like to donate money to allow for the purchase of books to add to the collection, or make suggestions of books to include, please contact me at fran@betumi.com. I'll be developing a "wish list" of books out there that need to be purchased.
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